B/W Oak Tree

My husband and I took a ride along Raymond Road in the Sierra foothills today.  I processed this photo of an oak tree in Photoshop Elements 6 by adjusting levels, cropping, burning and dodging, and a little cloning.   Font is LainieDay SH.   I love oak trees in winter.

Camera settings: Canon EOS Rebel T1i, F/8, 1/250 sec., ISO 100, focal length 55 mm.  No flash.

Winter Landscape

Took this a few weeks ago.  These two live oak trees are in the Sierra foothills.  I adjusted levels and ran the photo through Topaz Simplify Buz Sim.  I had been working on a custom texture and used it as an Overlay on this photo.   Using a photo I had of concrete, I added warm/cool colors with the drippy water brush that is in Wet Media.   As you can see I like painting effects!    I did do some burning on this one before framing and finishing.  Hope you like it.

Camera settings: Focal Length 11.2 mm, F/5.0, ISO 64, shutter speed 1/320.


Fog gives me the chance to take droplet photos here in Central California.  This one is on a young oak tree branch.  It reflects the branch behind as well as our house and front lawn.  There is a tiny spiderweb that sits on the branch also. 

For this treatment, I first rotated the photo 2 degrees to the right and cropped.  I added a high pass filter on Overlay at 3.4 pixels.  Sharpen and an 80% sepia filter was used to warm and even out the total tone of the photo and to enhance the droplet’s singularity.  The frame was made with a brown by matching with the eyedrop tool to the photo. I then applied a pine tree bark photo that I had taken.  Reducing the opacity of the bark photo left just a suggestion of texture to the frame.  I did some minor burning on the photo and the frame.  I really like droplet photos and hope to get better taking them.  This is a handheld photo.  I try to brace myself and always hold my breath while squeezing the shutter.  (Don’t know if that is correct or not, but it is what I do! :))  Hope you like it.